- Creating An Object (Object Literal)
- Creating An Object (Function Constructor)
- Creating An Object (Object Literal II)
- Object With Properties And Methods (Object Literal)
- Object With Properties And Methods (Function Constructor)
- Object With Properties And Methods (Function Constructor And Prototype)
- Reflection And Property
- Reflection And Object
- Inheritance
- Private Property
- Virtual Methods
- Optional Parameters
- Extension Methods
- Static Member
- Namespace
- Enum Type
- .NET Attribute
- Dictionary<K,V> vs JavaScript Object
- Dictionary<K,V> vs JavaScript Object - The ContainKey() vs in operator
- JavaScript Array
- Iterating Through An Array - Recommended
- Iterating Through An Array - Not Recommended
- Iterating Through An Array - The Functional Way
- JavaScript Array Used As A Stack<T>
- JavaScript Array Used As A Queue<T>
- Lambda Expression
- GetType() vs getType()
- Inheriting from a List<T> vs Inheriting From An Array
Creating An Object (Object Literal)
public class AClass { static void Main() { var p = new AClass(); } }
var p = { };
Creating An Object (Function Constructor)
public class AClass { static void Main() { var p = new AClass(); } }
function AClass() { } var p = new AClass();
Creating An Object (Object Literal II)
- Anonymous Type vs Object Literal
var p = new { LastName = "Doe" };
var p = { LastName : "Doe" };
Object With Properties And Methods (Object Literal)
public class Person { public string LastName { get; set; } public Person(string lastName) { this.LastName = lastName; } public void Run() { Console.WriteLine(this.LastName + " is running..."); } static void Main() { var p = new Person("Doe"); p.Run(); } }
var p = { LastName : "Doe", run : function() { print(this.LastName + " is running..."); } }; p.run();
Object With Properties And Methods (Function Constructor)
public class Person { public string LastName { get; set; } public Person(string lastName) { this.LastName = lastName; } public void Run() { Console.WriteLine(this.LastName + " is running..."); } static void Main() { var p = new Person("Doe"); p.Run(); } }
function Person(lastName) { this.LastName = lastName; this.run = function() { print(this.LastName + " is running..."); } } var p = new Person("Doe", "Joe"); p.run();
Object With Properties And Methods (Function Constructor And Prototype)
- Attaching the method run() to the prototype of the function constructor Person() is more efficient as the code of the method run() is not duplicated for each object.
- You cannot use the Closure function.
- Not as clear as the previous syntax (According to my taste).
public class Person { public string LastName { get; set; } public Person(string lastName) { this.LastName = lastName; } public void Run() { Console.WriteLine(this.LastName + " is running..."); } static void Main() { var p = new Person("Doe"); p.Run(); } }
function Person(lastName) { this.LastName = lastName; } Person.prototype.run = function() { print(this.LastName + " is running..."); } var p = new Person("Doe", "Joe"); p.run();
Reflection And Property
const BindingFlags GET_FLAGS = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.GetProperty; var p = new { LastName = "Doe" }; Console.WriteLine(p.GetType().InvokeMember("LastName", GET_FLAGS, null, p, null)); Console.WriteLine(p.LastName);
var p = { LastName : "Doe" }; print(p["LastName"]); print(p.LastName);
Reflection And Object
public class Program { static void Main() { var p = new { LastName = "Doe", FirstName = "Joe" }; foreach(var propertyInfo in p.GetType().GetProperties()) { Console.WriteLine(propertyInfo.Name + " = " + propertyInfo.GetValue(p, null).ToString()); } } }
var p = { LastName : "Doe", FirstName : "Joe" }; for(var propertyName in p) { print(propertyName + " = " + p[propertyName]); }
public class Person { public string LastName { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public Person(string lastName, string firstName) { this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; } } public class Employee : Person { public string Company { get; set; } public Employee(string lastName, string firstName, string company) : base(lastName, firstName) { // <= Base constructor this.Company = company; } static void Main() { var e = new Employee("Doe", "Joe", "ACompany"); } }
function Person(lastName, firstName) { this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; } function Employee(lastName, firstName, company) { Person.call(this, lastName, firstName); // <= Base constructor this.Company = company; } Employee.prototype = new Person(); // Inheritance var e = new Employee("Doe", "Joe", "ACompany");
Private Property
public class Employee { public string LastName { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } private bool _reservedParkingSpot { get; set; } public Employee(string lastName, string firstName, bool reservedParkingSpot) { this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; this._reservedParkingSpot = reservedParkingSpot; } public void Run() { Console.WriteLine(this.LastName + " reservedParkingSpot:" + _reservedParkingSpot); } static void Main() { var e = new Employee("Doe", "Joe", true); e.Run(); } }
function Employee(lastName, firstName, reservedParkingSpot) { var _reservedParkingSpot = reservedParkingSpot; this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; this.run = function() { print(this.LastName + " reservedParkingSpot:" + _reservedParkingSpot); } } var e = new Employee("Doe", "Joe", true); e.run();
Virtual Methods
- In JavaScript all properties and methods are virtual and public
public class Person{ public string LastName { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public Person(string lastName, string firstName){ this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; } public virtual void Run(){ Console.WriteLine(this.LastName + " is running..."); } } public class Employee : Person { public string Company { get; set; } public Employee(string lastName, string firstName, string company) : base(lastName, firstName) { // <= Base constructor this.Company = company; } public override void Run() { Console.WriteLine(this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName + " is running..."); } static void Main() { var e = new Employee("Doe", "Joe", "ACompany"); e.Run(); } }
function Person(lastName, firstName){ this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; this.run = function(){ print(this.LastName + " is running..."); } } function Employee(lastName, firstName, company) { Person.call(this, lastName, firstName); // <= Base constructor this.Company = company; this.run = function() { // <= Just override the method print(this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName + " is running..."); } } Employee.prototype = new Person(); // Inheritance var e = new Employee("Doe", "Joe", "ACompany"); e.run();
Optional Parameters
- In C# optional parameters are available in version 4
- In JavaScript all parameters are optional, with a default value of undefined
public class Person { public string LastName { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public string Company { get; set; } public Person(string lastName, string firstName, string company = null) { this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; this.Company = company; } static void Main() { var p = new Person("Doe", "Joe"); Console.WriteLine("Company:" + p.Company); } }
Person = function(lastName, firstName, company) { company = company || null; // Define a default value this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; this.Company = company; } var p = new Person("Doe", "Joe"); print("Company:" + p.Company);
Extension Methods
- Let's add a new format() method to a C# List and a JavaScript Array
public static class Program { public static string Format<T>(this List<T> l) { var b = new StringBuilder(1000); for(var i = 0; i < l.Count; i++) { b.Append(l[i]); if(i < l.Count-1) b.Append(", "); } return b.ToString(); } static void Main() { var l = new List<int>(); l.Add(1); l.Add(2); l.Add(3); Console.WriteLine(l.Format()); } }
if (typeof Array.prototype.format !== 'function') { Array.prototype.format = function () { return this.join(", "); } } var a = []; a.push(1); a.push(2); a.push(3); print(a.format())
Static Member
public class Person { public string LastName { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public Person(string lastName, string firstName) { this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; } public static Person Create(string lastName, string firstName) { // <= Static Member return new Person(lastName, firstName); } static void Main() { var p = Person.Create("Doe", "Joe"); } }
function Person(lastName, firstName) { this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; } Person.create = function(lastName, firstName) { // <= Static Member return new Person(lastName, firstName); } var p = Person.create("Doe", "Joe");
namespace MyLibrary { public class Person { public string LastName { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public Person(string lastName, string firstName) { this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; } } } public class Program { static void Main() { var p = new MyLibrary.Person("Doe", "Joe"); } }
var MyLibrary = { Person : function (lastName, firstName) { this.LastName = lastName; this.FirstName = firstName; } } var p = new MyLibrary.Person("Doe", "Joe");
Enum Type
public enum EmployeeType { Developer, Manager , } public class Employee : Person { public string Company { get; set; } public EmployeeType Type { get; set; } public Employee(string lastName, string firstName, string company, EmployeeType type) :base(lastName,firstName) { this.Company = company; this.Type = type; } static void Main() { var e = new Employee("Doe", "Joe", "ACompany", EmployeeType.Developer); e.Run(); } }
var EmployeeType = { Developer : 0, Manager : 1 } function Employee(lastName, firstName, company, type) { Person.call(this, lastName, firstName); this.Company = company; this.Type = type; } Employee.prototype = new Person(); var e = new Employee("Doe", "Joe", "ACompany", EmployeeType.Developer); e.run();
.NET Attribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)] public class SuperMethodAttribute : System.Attribute { } public class TheClass { [SuperMethod] // <= .NET Attribute public void Run() { } } public class Program { public static string GetSuperMethodName(object o) { foreach (var mi in o.GetType().GetMembers()) foreach (object attribute in mi.GetCustomAttributes(true)) if (attribute is SuperMethodAttribute) return mi.Name; return null; } static void Main() { var theClass = new TheClass(); Console.WriteLine("The SuperMethod is " + GetSuperMethodName(theClass)); } }
function TheClass() { this.run = function() { } this.run.SuperMethod = true; // <= JavaScript Attribute For A Function } function GetSuperMethodName(o) { for(var p in o) if(typeof o[p] === "function") if(o[p].SuperMethod === true) return p; return null; } var theClass = new TheClass(); print("The SuperMethod is " + GetSuperMethodName(theClass));
Dictionary<K,V> vs JavaScript Object
var trace = new Dictionary<string, object>(); trace["Debug"] = true; trace["Trace"] = "warning"; trace["TraceSize"] = 1000; foreach(var e in trace) { Console.WriteLine(e.Key + " = " + e.Value.ToString()); }
var trace = { }; trace["Debug"] = true; trace["Trace"] = "warning"; trace.TraceSize = 1000; for(var key in trace) { print(key + " = " + trace[key]); }
Dictionary<K,V> vs JavaScript Object - The ContainKey() vs in operator
var trace = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Debug" , true }, { "Trace" , "warning" }, { "TraceSize", 1000 } }; if(trace.ContainsKey("Debug")) Console.WriteLine(trace["Debug"]);
var trace = { Debug : true , Trace : "warning", TraceSize : 1000 }; if("Debug" in trace) // Solution 1 print(trace["Debug"]); if(trace["Debug"] !== undefined) // Solution 2 print(trace["Debug"]); if(trace.Debug !== undefined) // Solution 3 print(trace.Debug);
JavaScript Array
- A JavaScript Array is not a C# array
- JavaScript Array is neither an hybrid between array and list
- A JavaScript Array is a Dictionary where the keys can only be integer
- The property length always returns the max key
JavaScript Arrays can be used as
- Array - Array<T>
- List - List<T>
- Stack - Stack<T>
Queue - Queue<T>
Array methods:
- concat, indexOf, join, pop, push, reverse, shift, slice, sort, splice, unshift, valueOf.
With Extension Methods we can create the C# methods that we are used to.
var a = new List<object>(); var b = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 }; var c = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c" };
var a = [ ]; var b = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; var c = [ "a", "b", "c" ];
Iterating Through An Array - Recommended
- The default way
var a = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" }; for(var i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(a[i]); }
var a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]; for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { print(a[i]); }
Iterating Through An Array - Not Recommended
var a = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c" }; foreach(var i in a) { Console.WriteLine(i); }
var a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]; for(var i in a) { // <= Iterate over the keys of the Object/Array, which happens to be indexes print(a[i]); }
Iterating Through An Array - The Functional Way
- The method forEach()
- With JavaScript 5 (ecmascript 5), the Array type has a member function forEach()
- With JavaScript 3, include the library: http://augmentjs.com
var a = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c" }; a.ForEach( v => { Console.WriteLine(v); } // <= Lambda Statment );
var a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]; a.forEach( function(v) { print(v); } // <= Lambda Statment );
JavaScript Array Used As A Stack<T>
var a = new Stack<string>(); a.Push("a"); a.Push("b"); a.Push("c"); while(a.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine(a.Pop()); }
var a = [ ]; a.push("a"); a.push("b"); a.push("c"); while(a.length > 0) { print(a.pop()); }
JavaScript Array Used As A Queue<T>
var queue = new Queue<int>(); queue.Enqueue(1); queue.Enqueue(2); queue.Enqueue(3); while(queue.Count > 0){ Console.WriteLine(queue.Dequeue()); }
var queue = []; queue.unshift(1); queue.unshift(2); queue.unshift(3); while(queue.length > 0){ print(queue.pop()); }
Lambda Expression
- The following methods: filter(), forEach(), every(), map() are available for Array with ECMAScript 5 or include http://augmentjs.com
var numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; var evenNumbers = numbers.FindAll( i => i % 2 == 0 ); // <= Lambda Expression evenNumbers.ForEach(n => { // <= Lambda Statment Console.WriteLine(n); });
var numbers = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]; var evenNumbers = numbers.filter( function(i) { return i % 2 === 0; } ); // <= Lambda Expression evenNumbers.forEach(function(n) { print(n); });
public class Program { static void Main() { var annoyingPeopleInHighSchool = new List<Person>() { new Person("Descartes", "Rene" ), new Person("Pascal" , "Baise" ), new Person("Laplace" , "Pierre-Simon") }; var funnyPeopleInHighSchool = from p in annoyingPeopleInHighSchool where p.LastName == "Laplace" select p; foreach(var p in funnyPeopleInHighSchool) { Console.WriteLine(p.LastName); } } }
var annoyingPeopleInHighSchool = [ new Person("Descartes", "Rene" ), new Person("Pascal" , "Baise" ), new Person("Laplace" , "Pierre-Simon") ]; var funnyPeopleInHighSchool = annoyingPeopleInHighSchool.filter(function(p) { return p.LastName === "Laplace" ? p : undefined; }); for(var p in funnyPeopleInHighSchool) { print(funnyPeopleInHighSchool[p].LastName); }
GetType() vs getType()
int i = 1; Console.WriteLine(i.GetType().Name); bool b = true; Console.WriteLine(b.GetType().Name); String s = "Hi"; Console.WriteLine(s.GetType().Name); DateTime d = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine(d.GetType().Name); int [] ia = new int[3]; Console.WriteLine(ia.GetType().Name);
var i = 1; print(getType(i)); var b = true; print(getType(b)); var s = "Hi"; print(getType(s)); var d = new Date(); print(getType(d)); var ia = []; print(getType(ia)); function getType(v) { var type; if (v === null) return "null"; if (typeof v === 'undefined') return "undefined"; type = Object.prototype.toString.call(v); type = type.replace("[object ", "").replace("]", ""); return type; }
Inheriting from a List<T> vs Inheriting From An Array
public class PersonList : List<Person> { public string Name; public PersonList(string name) { this.Name = name; } public int GetSumYears() { var total = 0; foreach (var p in this) total += p.BirthDate.Year; return total; } } public class Program { static void Main() { var personList = new PersonList("MyList"); personList.Add(new Person("Descartes", "Rene" , new DateTime(1596, 3, 31))); personList.Add(new Person("Pascal" , "Baise" , new DateTime(1623, 6, 19))); personList.Add(new Person("Laplace" , "Pierre-Simon", new DateTime(1749, 3, 23))); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Total {0} {1}", personList.Name, personList.GetSumYears())); } }
function PersonList(name) { this.Name = name; this.GetSumYears = function() { var i = 0, total = 0; for(i = 0; i < this.length; i++) total += this[i].BirthDate.getFullYear(); return total; } } PersonList.prototype = []; // <= Inheritance from an Array var personList = new PersonList("MyList"); personList.push(new Person("Descartes", "Rene" , new Date(1596, 3-1, 31))); personList.push(new Person("Pascal" , "Baise" , new Date(1623, 6-1, 19))); personList.push(new Person("Laplace" , "Pierre-Simon", new Date(1749, 3-1, 23))); print("Total "+personList.Name+" "+personList.GetSumYears());
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