Sunday, March 30, 2014

What is DynamicSugar.Net?

The Dynamic Sugar Library provides methods and classes inspired by the dynamic languages Python and JavaScript to write shorter and more readable source code in C# 4.0.

  • You may use DynamicSugar.Net under the terms of the MIT License.
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Platforms Casts:
  • Microsoft Windows and Windows Phone, .NET v 4.x
  • Xamarin iOS and Android

 List<T> - List literal

 static void DoSomething(List<int> l){
 static void main(string [] args) {
     DoSomething(new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 });   // Regular C#
     DoSomething(DS.List( 1, 2, 3 ));            // Dynamic Sugar Syntax

Check if an element is in a List<T>. For custom class you must override the method Equals().

 var i = 3;
 var Values = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 };   // Regular C#
     Console.WriteLine("in the list");            
 if(i.In(1,2,3))                             // Dynamic Sugar Syntax
     Console.WriteLine("in the list");  

Dictionary - Dictionary literal

 void MyFunction(IDictionary<string, object> d){
 void Sample3(){
     MyFunction(new Dictionary<string,object>() {    // Regular C#
                 { "Debug"    , true            }, 
                 { "Continent", "North America" }
     // Dynamic Sugar Syntax
     MyFunction( DS.Dictionary( new { Debug=true, Continent="North America" } ) ); 
     // In() method
     var stones = DS.Dictionary<int>( new { Mick=1943, Keith=1943, Brian=1942, Bill=1936, Charlie=1941 } );
     if("Mick".In(stones)) {

Define the type of the value

 void MyFunction(IDictionary<string, bool> d){
 void Sample4(){
     MyFunction(new Dictionary<string, bool>() { // Regular C#    
                 { "Debug"  , true  }, 
                 { "Verbose", false } 
     // Dynamic Sugar Syntax
     MyFunction( DS.Dictionary<bool>( new { Debug=true, Verbose=false } ) );

Formatting Strings - Extension Methods for the class String

 void Sample5(){
     var firstName = "Fred";
     var age       = 45;
     var s1 = String.Format("firstName:{0}, age:{1}", firstName, age ); // Regular C#
     // Dynamic Sugar Syntax. Is that beautiful?
     var s2 = "firstName:{firstName}, age:{age}".Format( new { firstName , age } );

Formatting custom classes. You can add the Format() method as an extension method as well.

class Person {
     public string   Name { set; get; }
     public int      Age  { set; get; }   
     public  string Format(string format, params object[] args) {
         return DynamicSugar.ExtendedFormat.Format(this, format, args);
 void Sample6(){
     var p = new Person() { Name = "Fred", Age = 45 };
     Console.WriteLine( String.Format( "Name={0}, Age={1:000}", p.Name, p.Age ) );    // Regular C#
     Console.WriteLine( p.Format( "Name={Name}, Age={Age:000}" ) );                  // Dynamic Sugar Syntax

Formatting List<T> and Dictionary

 public static void Sample6_2(){
     var v1  = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Format();                    // 1, 2, 3
     var v2  = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Format( @"""{0}""", "; " );  // "1"; "2"; "3"
     var v3  = DS.List("a", "b", "c").Format();                  // "a", "b", "c"
     var v4  = DS.List("a", "b", "c").Format( @"({0})", "; " );  // ("a"); ("b"); ("c")
     var beatles = DS.Dictionary<int>( new { Paul=1942, John=1940, Richard=1940, George=1943 } );
     var v5 = beatles.Format(); // { Paul:1942, John:1940, Richard:1940, George:1943 }
     var v6 = beatles.Format(@"""{0}""=""{1}""", "; "); // { "Paul"="1942"; "John"="1940"; "Richard"="1940"; "George"="1943" }

Function returning multiple values

Almost like in JavaScript. Anonymous Types are internal classes and this is why we need to call DS.Values().

 // Regular C#
 static bool ComputeValues(int value, out double amount, out string message){
     amount  = 2.0 * value;
     message = "Hello";
     return true;
 // Dynamic Sugar Syntax
 static dynamic ComputeValues(int value){
     return DS.Values( new { returnValue = true, amount = 2.0 * value, message = "Hello" } );
 void Sample7(){
     // Regular C#
     string message;
     double amount;
     var returnStatus = ComputeValues( 2, out amount, out message );
     Console.WriteLine( "returnStatus:{0}, amount:{1}, message:{2}", returnStatus, amount, message );
     // Dynamic Sugar Syntax
     var r = ComputeValues( 2 );
     Console.WriteLine("returnStatus:{0}, amount:{1}, message:{2}", r.returnValue, r.amount, r.message );


 void Sample8(){
     for(int i=0; i<10; i++)         // Regular C#
     foreach(var i in DS.Range(10))  // Dynamic Sugar Syntax

Extension methods for List<T>

 public static void Sample9(){
     var v1  = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Add( DS.List( 4, 5, 6 ) );
     var v2  = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Clone();
     var v3  = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Filter( e => e % 2 == 0 );      // Same as FindAll() for IEnumerable<>
     var v5  = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Identical( DS.List( 1, 2, 3 ) );
     var v6  = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Include( DS.List( 2, 3 ) );
     var v7  = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Include( 2, 3 );
     var v8  = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Intersect( DS.List( 3, 4, 5) ); // Same as Intersect() for IEnumerable<>
     var v9  = DS.List(1, 2, 3).IsNullOrEmpty();
     var v10 = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Map( e => e * 2 );              // Same as Select() for IEnumerable<>    
     var v11 = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Merge( DS.List(3, 4, 5) );
     var v12 = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Reject( e => e % 2 == 0 );
     var v13 = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Substract( DS.List( 3, 4, 5) );
               DS.List(1, 2, 3).ToFile(@"C:\\MyFile.txt");
     var v15 = DS.ListHelper.FromFile<int>(@"C:\\MyFile.txt");
     var v16 = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Without( DS.List(2, 3) );
     var v17 = DS.List(1, 2, 3).Without( 2, 3 );

More extension methods for the List<T>

void Sample10(){
     var v1 = DS.List(1, 2, 3);
     while(!v1.IsEmpty()) {
         Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", v1.First(), v1.Last());
         v1 = v1.Rest();

String extension methods - The Slice function

 public void Sample11() {
     var s = "ABCD";
     Assert.AreEqual("ABCD"  , s.Slice(0    ));
     Assert.AreEqual("BCD"   , s.Slice(1    ));
     Assert.AreEqual("AB"    , s.Slice(0 , 2));
     Assert.AreEqual("BC"    , s.Slice(1 , 2));
     Assert.AreEqual("DCBA"  , s.Slice(-1   ));
     Assert.AreEqual("CB"    , s.Slice(-2, 2));            

Other extension methods

 public static void Sample12() {
     Assert.AreEqual("DCBA", "ABCD".Reverse()); 
     Assert.AreEqual("1;2;3", ";".Join(DS.List(1, 2, 3)));
     string s1 = null;
     Assert.AreEqual("default", s1.IfNullOrEmpty("default"));
     Assert.AreEqual("Lastname", "lastname".Capitalize());
     Assert.AreEqual("1,2,3,", ",1,2,3,".RemoveFirstChar());
     Assert.AreEqual("1,2,3,", ",1,2,3,".RemoveFirstChar());
     Assert.AreEqual(",1,2,3", ",1,2,3,".RemoveLastChar());
     Assert.AreEqual(",1,2,3", ",1,2,3,".RemoveLastChar());
     Assert.AreEqual("1,2,3", ",1,2,3,".RemoveLastChar().RemoveFirstChar());

Extension methods for Dictionary

public static void Sample13() {
     var beatles      = DS.Dictionary<int>( new { Paul=1942, John=1940, Richard=1940, George=1943 } );
     var other        = beatles.Get("Pete", 1941); // Support a default value for non existing key
     var younger1     = beatles.Max(); // Return the entry with the greatest value
     var younger2     = beatles.Max(DS.List("Paul", "John", "Richard"));
     var older1       = beatles.Min(); // Return the entry with the smallest value
     var older2       = beatles.Min(DS.List("Paul", "Richard", "George"));
     var newMusicians = beatles.Clone();
     // Add or remove entries to a dictionary
     var stones       = DS.Dictionary<int>( new { Mick=1943, Keith=1943, Brian=1942, Bill=1936, Charlie=1941 } );
     var allTogether  = beatles.Add(stones);
     var noStones     = allTogether.Remove(stones);
     // Determine if a dictionary contains a key, a dictionary or literal dictionary
     var b1           = beatles.Include(beatles);
     var b2           = beatles.Include("Paul");
     var b3           = beatles.Include( new { Paul=1942, John=1940 } );
     // Process string template with the value of a dictionary
     var InstallVar   = DS.Dictionary( new { SERVER="", USER=@"bat\\jshmoe", PASSWORD="abcd" } );
     var batchCode    = InstallVar.PreProcess(@"msiexec.exe /i product.msi SERVER={SERVER} USER={USER} PASSWORD={PASSWORD}");

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