What is Jint?
Jint is a Javascript v 5 interpreter for the .NET Framework/Mono/Xamarin allowing to execute scripts in C# applications on Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and Linux (Anywhere there is a C# 4.x compiler).What is Jint.Ex?
Jint.Ex framework extends Jint with features that are not part of the ECMAScript standard, but use full when mixing C# and JavaScript.Features
Event-driven interaction: Jint.Ex.AsyncronousEngine is event-driven interaction run time for Jint to build non blocking UI and creating asynchronous API.
setTimeOut() and setInterval(): The methods setTimeOut() and setInterval() are part of Browser DOM standard and therefore not part on Jint. Jint.Ex.AsyncronousEngine offer the methods and the clearTimeOut() and clearInterval() method.
localeStorage: A singleton object compatible with the HTML5 storage standard. Not available yet.
My tutorial about using Jint and Jint.Ex.
- Jint tutorial 007 - Using Jint and Jint.Ex in an iOS Application
- Jint tutorial 006 - Using Jint and Jint.Ex in a Win Form Application
- Jint tutorial 005 - Exporting a C# Asynchronous API to the JavaScript world (Part II)
- Jint tutorial 004 - Exporting a C# Asynchronous API to the JavaScript world (Part I)
- Jint tutorial 003 - Exporting a C# method that returns a JavaScript array to the JavaScript world
- Jint tutorial 002 - Exporting a C# object in the JavaScript world
- Jint tutorial 001 - Embeding JavaScript in a C# application
is it possible to call c# function javascript using jint
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to call c# function from java script using jint.