Thursday, December 11, 2014

Installing Arduino IDE for Trinket on Windows (install driver usbtinyisp)

Installing the Trinket Arduino IDE on Windows

The adafruit page Setting up the Arduino IDE for the Trinket confused me, because it is not mentioned clearly that on Windows, you need to install a driver first.

You need to install the driver usbtinyisp_libusb-win32_1.2.1.0.
I have Windows 7, and it looks like there is a different drivers for Windows 8.

The drivers can be downloaded from
Unzip the driver zip somewhere.

To install the driver, connect the Trinket and open the Device Manager.
The Trinket USB device should appear.
Right click and select Update Driver Software.
Point to the zip folder.

Now you can download the adafruit Arduino IDE customized for the Trinket from page

And follow the instruction. I used what is call the fast way to do it.

Visual Studio

I also installed the Visual Studio extension VisualMicro. It does support a lot Arduino model and compatible including the Trinket and Trinket Pro.

Now I can write code, compile and upload from Visual Studio.

Regarding debugging and also using the serial console as explained in this video

we need a special cable and a Trinket Pro, which I do not have yet.


  1. Very useful, thanks, I was able to bring to life the trinket...

  2. You use the Easy Driver Pack software to get all the equipment for the Windows operating system, download at
